Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Different Perspectives Of Poaching

I chose 4 perspectives for poaching that I think were important

  1. The poacher's perspective 
  2. The animal's perspective
  3. The government's perspective
  4. The consumer's perspective (person who buys the poached animal's product) 
The poacher's perspective is that I don't care what I sell I just want the money here is a quote from

The quote says "A poacher is a person who only thinks about his or her own desires and wishes,who goes out to hunt and comes back on the same day,and someone who doesn't care of the future of the animal.

 The animal's perspective is that "my life is ruined,and I cant do anything else in my life,and that I will die in such a cruel way.

The government's perspective is that they want poaching to stop,the government is trying to pass a law indicating that poaching is illegal and it should stop and be put to an end.

The consumer's perspective is that they don't care how they get the skin,bone,ivory,tusk,or any other part,as long as they can get it for why they wanted to get it which includes medicine,decoration,or any another purpose.

I agree with the government they should pass a law so that they can help stop poaching.Many animals die around the world everywhere and everyday..

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