Tuesday, May 14, 2013

State The Topic You Have And Explain Why You Chose It

  1. I chose poaching because I thought how my dad and many grown ups like my grandmother and grandfather say "Have you ever heard of this species and that species"Their usually very beautiful.I always think "I wish I could learn about it"Well I thought it was very cool how certain animals change at certain time each each year I thought it was entertaining.
  2. I also chose poaching because earlier this year we learned about some extinct and endangered animals I knew only like three or four will so after like two weeks we are doing this project and poaching was the category of endangered animals and I thought to my self I will to this topic no matter what so here I am doing this project.

         The following are the endangered animals I knew at that time
  1. Blue Whale 
  2. Tiger
  3. Giant Panda 
  4. Rhinos
       Now I know a lot more endangered animals then I knew before.

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